Weekly Photo Challenge: Happy Place

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” – John Muir, American naturalist (1838-1914)

Coincidentally, just last week I was looking back at a photo taken of me in Hakuba (which I wrote about in my last post) – I had the biggest smile and it made me think, this is definitely where I’m most content. Warm sunshine and fresh air. Beautiful flowers of all colours. Lots of trees and possibly even a waterfall… Yep, my happy place is being in the great outdoors, the wilderness. Whether it’s while hiking through the mountains or strolling around a city garden, I always feel a boost in energy as soon as I’m immersed in nature. Problems and stress dissolve and I’m left in a peaceful state.

For this week’s Photo Challenge, I’ve selected pics from different locations in and around Tokyo.

Thank you Krista for this week’s Photo Challenge theme.


12 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Happy Place

  1. 最初の人間、アダムとイブは エデンの園(その)から 追放(ついほう)されるまで、
    うつくしい自然の中で しあわせに くらしていました。わたしたちも エデンの園の
    ような 美しい故郷(こきょう)に 戻りたい のだと おもいます。それなのに 人間は
    この地球(ちきゅう)を ずいぶん 破壊(はかい)してしまいました。
    そして 将来(しょうらい)、核戦争(かくせんそう)を 起こして
    もっと 破壊するかもしれません。
    ですから 都会の造園(ぞうえん)された自然の美しさだけでなく、
    野性(やせい)の自然の中でも 心の安(やす)らぎを えたいと おもいます。
    高尾山や丹沢の森の中を ハイキングする セリアさんは ほんとうに しあわせですね。


    1. はい、いい景色を見ながらハイキングする時は本当に幸せでーす!エデンのような故郷に戻りたいという理由かどうか分かりませんが、自然な場所に惹かれています。人間の皆さんは環境を大切にしないといけないですよね。


  2. Hi Celia,
    Great selections that show Japan’s natural beauty. I understand what you mean about the great outdoors, but is there a specific “happy place”, somewhere when the mind goes when seeking calm? I know mine is a hilltop on Mount Hotham in winter. I’m looking forward to seeing your autumn season shots. Cheers … John


    1. Hi John! That’s a great question. I would probably have to say Kurokawa Onsen in Kumamoto. I’ve only been there once, and just for a day, but I remember feeling like ‘ahh this is the life’ as I sat in a secluded rotenburo next to a river in the middle of the mountains!
      Mt Hotham is a beautiful place, also. I imagine you’re a bit sad winter is over then?
      Thanks, super excited for autumn!! :)


  3. Very nice to hear you know where your happy place is. This is such a lovely set of photos, and my favourite image would be the last one of Shinjuku Gyoen. Love the autumnal colours and brown on the leaves. My happy place would be somewhere warm too, with fresh air, and where the sun is shining brightly :)


    1. Thanks Mabel! I was really shocked at how stunning those colours were at Shinjuku Gyoen – just wasn’t expecting it! Your happy place sounds exactly like my image of Oz – perfect :)

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