Tochigi’s Mystical Hydrangea Shrine

For the Weekly Photo Challenge, Brie has got us thinking about what is our muse. Without a doubt, my biggest muse is nature itself. I am always inspired by flowers in particular and can spend hours walking around a garden taking photos!

Yesterday, I visited a shrine called Ohirasan Jinja which sits on top of a mountain. To get to the shrine, you walk through a forest and up a path that consists of 1000 stone steps! By the first 100 steps I would say the sweat was already starting to pour out! But I felt like reaching the top was an achievement, and the view over Tochigi city was beautiful.

Not only is the view nice, but the hike up is also part of the attraction. The stairs are lined with thousands of hydrangeas which burst open in the rainy season. I spent about 1.5 hours in total meandering my way up and back, stopping every 2 metres to admire this spectacular little corner of the world. I’ve taken a million photos of hydrangeas before, but I never get tired of them. I’ve also been experimenting with water drops recently, and have been trying to take macro reflection photos (without much luck yet). There’s so much hidden beauty in nature. It’s fun to try and capture things from a different point of view!

11 thoughts on “Tochigi’s Mystical Hydrangea Shrine

    1. Thanks so much Leanne! It’s been a relatively dry rainy season this year, don’t you think? I feel like there were many more rainy days last year.


  1. Lovely post Celia – thanks for sharing these images and good luck with your “macro reflection” quest. I’ve often thought when visiting temples and shrines in beautiful settings that enjoying those settings was a fair reward for the monks’ toil during construction. 1200 steps is a lot of toil. By the way, the spider web pic is my favourite :). Cheers,


    1. Yes, especially because it’s free to enter, I agree the reward for the people who worked hard to build the temples and gardens is that we visitors enjoy it to the full. When you think of it like that, it makes you appreciate the experience so much more, doesn’t it!
      Thank you – the spider was about 3cm away from my hand when I was taking the photo. It wasn’t in the attacking mood, thankfully!


  2. 青い芯(しん)と 白い花びらの アジサイが とても 珍(めずら)しく、
    うつくしい コントラストですね。水滴(すいてき)の 中に 青いアジサイが
    みえますよ。蜘蛛の巣(くものす)に ついている 水玉(みずたま)は 
    クリスタルのように 光っています。自然の神秘(しんぴ)ですね。
    日本の雨季(うき)が すがすがしく 描写(びょうしゃ)されています。


    1. その青い芯のアジサイをはじめて見ました。可愛かったです!


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